
Hugo and Lunr Update
Mar 25, 2020

I updated Hugo recently and had to make some updates to keep things working. I haven’t been following extremely closely on Hugo development, so this may not all be the absolute best way to do things, but it did work for me.

Hugo and Lunr
Mar 28, 2018

Getting Hugo and Lunr playing nice with each other wasn’t too bad, but I had trouble finding a clear walk-through with current versions of the tools. My starting point was Joseph Earl’s post, Search your Hugo static site using lunr.js. That was the most complete guide I could find and got me … 80% of the way there. I think the hiccups I encountered were due to updates to the Lunr code and some breaking changes that happened since he wrote his post.

Up and Running on Hugo
Mar 24, 2018

I decided to switch the site over to Hugo. At some point I would like to import some of my old posts from previous blogs. I always find that process a little difficult. When looking over past content it starts to seem dated or irrelevant to today. I’m sure there’s an argument for it showing a progression in thought or as reference material, but there’s plenty of, “hey, look what my dog did” that just doesn’t seem to be needed.